Univ.-Prof. Dragos Ioan Ciobanu, PhD
Dragos Ioan Ciobanu

Consultation hours: By appointment - please e-mail dragos.ioan.ciobanu@univie.ac.at.

1 - 20 out of 22
Rios Gaona MA, Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Chereji R-M, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling for Analysing the Effect of Speech Synthesis on Post-Editing Machine Translation. 2024. Paper presented at The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Ciobanu DI, Chereji R-M, Brockmann J, Secara A, Peris C, Garcia-Verdugo J et al.. Report on the IAMLADP UCG Training for Translators’ Trainers seminar (13-14 March, 2024). 2024. IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology) , Vienna , Austria.

Moorkens J, Sánchez-Gijón P, Torres-Simón E, Vargas-Urpi M, Ciobanu DI, Guerberof Arenas A et al. Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER). 2024. 57 p. (Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Volume 2: Products & Projects).

Rios Gaona MA, Chereji R-M, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. In Moorkens J, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 2023. p. 27-38

Zapata J, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Past, present and future of speech technologies in translation — life beyond the keyboard. In Moorkens J, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 2023. p. 16-25

Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Using Error Annotation to Support Post-Editing in the Context of Translator Training. In Castilho S, Caro Quintana R, Stasimioti M, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the New Trends in Translation and Technology Conference - NeTTT 2022. 2023. p. 113-124

Ciobanu DI. RULE-BASED, STATISTICAL AND NEURAL MACHINE TRANSLATION: WHAT NOW? In D-GFT, editor, The many faces of translation - Machine translation: driven by humans, powered by technology. Publications Office of the European Union. 2022. p. 8-36 doi: 10.2861/653362

Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Ciobanu DI. Error Annotation in Post-Editing Machine Translation: Investigating the Impact of Text-to-Speech Technology. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Ghent, Belgium: European Association for Machine Translation. 2022. p. 249–257

Yang J, Ciobanu DI, Secara A. On whose shoulders? – (De)Constructing a collaborative sphere for translator training. In Zwischenberger C, Alfer A, editors, Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics. 1 ed. Vol. 57. Frank & Timme. 2022. p. 185-212. (Transkulturalität – Translation -Transfer; No. 1, Vol. 57).

Wiesinger CK, Brockmann J, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Speech-enabled machine translation post-editing (PEMT) in the context of translator training. In Kornacki M, Massey G, editors, Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting: Selected Papers from the Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning 2020–2021. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2022. p. 67-89. (Łódź studies in language, Vol. 70). doi: 10.3726/b19912

Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Benefits of speech technologies for translators and revisers. 2021. Paper presented at Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain, Grenoble, France. doi: 10.25365/phaidra.456

Bernardini S, Bouillon P, Ciobanu DI, van Genabith J, Hansen-Schirra S, O'Brien S et al. Language service provision in the 21st century: Challenges, opportunities and educational perspectives for translation studies. In Noorda S, Scott P, Vukasovic M, editors, Bologna Process Beyond 2020 : fundamental values of the EHEA : Bologna, June 24-25 2019 : proceedings. Bologna: Bolonia University Press. 2020. p. 297-303

Ciobanu D, Secara A. Speech recognition and synthesis technologies in the translation workflow. In O'Hagan M, editor, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. 1. ed. London: Routledge. 2019. p. 91-106 doi: 10.4324/9781315311258

Ciobanu DI. Automatic Speech Recognition in the professional translation process. In Exploring the Situational Interface of Translation and Cognition. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2018. (Benjamins Current Topics, Vol. 101). doi: https://doi.org/10.1075/bct.101.07cio

Ciobanu DI. Collaborative Student Translation Projects - Sharing Best Practices from the EMT Network. In Handbook of research on multilingual writing and pedagogical cooperation in virtual learning environments. IGI Global. 2018. p. 222 doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4154-7

1 - 20 out of 22
Profile photoUniv.-Prof. Dragos Ioan Ciobanu, PhD
Department for Translation Studies
Postal address: Kolingasse 14-16, A-1090, Vienna

Research interests

Dragoș Ciobanu is Professor of Computational Terminology and Machine Translation in the University of Vienna Centre for Translation Studies. He leads the HAITrans research group (Human and Artificial Intelligence in Translation – https://haitrans.univie.ac.at/) and investigates ways to improve localization workflows by integrating translation and speech technologies, as well as methods to optimise collaborative translation and training practices. He collaborates with Language Service Providers from around the world and trains linguists from International Organisations to maximize the use of language, localisation, and project management technologies.



Department for Translation Studies

University of Vienna


1 Oct 2020 → present

Visiting Research Fellow in Translation Studies

University of Leeds

Leeds, W Yorkshire, United Kingdom

1 Oct 2020 → …

Lecturer, then Associate Professor in Translation Studies

University of Leeds

Leeds, W Yorkshire, United Kingdom

1 Sep 201230 Sep 2020

Instructional designer, National Network for Interpreting UK project

University of Leeds

Leeds, W Yorkshire, United Kingdom

1 Sep 200730 Sep 2010

Academic Staff Development Officer, Staff & Departmental Development Unit

University of Leeds

Leeds, W Yorkshire, United Kingdom

15 Aug 20071 Sep 2012

Research Fellow in the Centre for Translation Studies

University of Leeds

Leeds, W Yorkshire, United Kingdom

1 Mar 200331 Aug 2007

Technical writer and translator


Iasi, Romania

1 Feb 20021 Feb 2003


Computer-Assisted Language Learning, PhD, Acquiring Reading Skills in a Foreign Language in a Multilingual, Corpus-Based Environment, University of Leeds

1 Mar 20031 Jul 2006

Award Date: 1 Jul 2006


The impact of Speech Synthesis on cognitive load and productivity during machine translation post-editing

Ciobanu, D. I.



Membership of Industry bodies, Professional Certifications and Education

2021 →

- Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Machine Translation Post-Editing Training SIG and Global Talent SIG;
- EDUinLOC initiative of LocalizationWorld (LocWorld);

- UniVie ZTW representative in the IAMLADP Universities Contact Group.


2017 →

Memsource Certified Trainer | SDL Trados Studio 2017 for Project Managers


2014 →

European Masters in Translation (EMT) network: served as member of the EMT Board, co-lead of the Working Group (WG) on Collaborative Learning and e-Learning, an member of the WG on Translation Tools and Technologies


2012 →

Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy


10/01/2009 →

Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT)



  1. Rios Gaona, M. A., Brockmann, J., Wiesinger, C. K., Chereji, R-M., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2024). Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling for Analysing the Effect of Speech Synthesis on Post-Editing Machine Translation. 455. Paper presented at The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
  2. Ciobanu, D. I., Chereji, R-M., Brockmann, J., Secara, A., Peris, C., Garcia-Verdugo, J., & Hernandez, D. (2024). Report on the IAMLADP UCG Training for Translators’ Trainers seminar (13-14 March, 2024). IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology) , Vienna , Austria.
  3. Moorkens, J., Sánchez-Gijón, P., Torres-Simón, E., Vargas-Urpi, M., Ciobanu, D. I., Guerberof Arenas, A., Hackenbuchner, J., Kenny, D., Krüger, R., Rios Gaona, M. A., Rivas Ginel, I., Rossi, C., Secara, A., & Toral, A. (2024). Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER). Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Volume 2: Products & Projects https://eamt2024.github.io/proceedings/vol2.pdf
  4. Rios Gaona, M. A., Chereji, R-M., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2023). Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. In J. Moorkens, & V. Sosoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference (pp. 27-38). Editions Tradulex. https://www.tradulex.com/varia/TC44-luxembourg2022.pdf
  5. Rios Gaona, M. A., Chereji, R-M., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2023). Quality Analysis of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Systems and Reference Test Translations for the English-Romanian language pair in the Medical Domain. 355–364. Paper presented at The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Tampere, Finland. https://aclanthology.org/2023.eamt-1.35.pdf
  6. Zapata, J., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2023). Past, present and future of speech technologies in translation — life beyond the keyboard. In J. Moorkens, & V. Sosoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference (pp. 16-25). Editions Tradulex. https://www.tradulex.com/varia/TC44-luxembourg2022.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2OLok7tXjQ86P4UdHrcsOz4oXILGMvbv1-S9xDhvDhpaSck6n7gsj7VUY
  7. Brockmann, J., Wiesinger, C. K., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2023). Using Error Annotation to Support Post-Editing in the Context of Translator Training. In S. Castilho, R. Caro Quintana, M. Stasimioti, & V. Sosoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the New Trends in Translation and Technology Conference - NeTTT 2022 (pp. 113-124) https://nettt-conference.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/NeTTT-Final-Proceedings_noISBN.pdf
  8. Rios Gaona, M. A., Chereji, R-M., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2022). Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.02143
  9. Ciobanu, D. I. (2022). RULE-BASED, STATISTICAL AND NEURAL MACHINE TRANSLATION: WHAT NOW? In D-G. F. T. (Ed.), The many faces of translation - Machine translation: driven by humans, powered by technology (pp. 8-36). Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2861/653362
  10. Brockmann, J., Wiesinger, C. K., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2022). Error Annotation in Post-Editing Machine Translation: Investigating the Impact of Text-to-Speech Technology. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (pp. 249–257). European Association for Machine Translation. https://aclanthology.org/2022.eamt-1.28/
  11. Yang, J., Ciobanu, D. I., & Secara, A. (2022). On whose shoulders? – (De)Constructing a collaborative sphere for translator training. In C. Zwischenberger, & A. Alfer (Eds.), Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics (1 ed., Vol. 57, pp. 185-212). Frank & Timme. Transkulturalität – Translation -Transfer Vol. 57 No. 1
  12. Wiesinger, C. K., Brockmann, J., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2022). Speech-enabled machine translation post-editing (PEMT) in the context of translator training. In M. Kornacki , & G. Massey (Eds.), Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting: Selected Papers from the Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning 2020–2021 (pp. 67-89). Peter Lang. Łódź studies in language Vol. 70 https://doi.org/10.3726/b19912
  13. Wiesinger, C. K., Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2021). Speech-enabled machine translation post-editing (PEMT) in the context of translator training: The Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning : Book of Abstracts. Winterthur: ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften. . 28. Paper presented at The Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning, Switzerland. https://www.zhaw.ch/storage/linguistik/institute-zentren/iued/upload/forschung/duo-colloquium-book-of-abstracts.pdf
  14. Secara, A., & Ciobanu, D. I. (2021). Benefits of speech technologies for translators and revisers. Paper presented at Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain, Grenoble, France. https://doi.org/10.25365/phaidra.456
  15. Carsten, S., Ciobanu, D. I., & Mankauskiene, D. (2021). The challenge of evaluating open interpreter training resources: case study of ORCIT. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 15(4), 490-505. https://doi.org/10.1080/1750399X.2020.1867407
  16. Bernardini, S., Bouillon, P., Ciobanu, D. I., van Genabith, J., Hansen-Schirra, S., O'Brien, S., Steiner, E., & Teich, E. (2020). Language service provision in the 21st century: Challenges, opportunities and educational perspectives for translation studies. In S. Noorda, P. Scott, & M. Vukasovic (Eds.), Bologna Process Beyond 2020 : fundamental values of the EHEA : Bologna, June 24-25 2019 : proceedings (pp. 297-303). Bolonia University Press.
  17. Ciobanu, D., Ragni, V., & Secara, A. (2019). Speech Synthesis in the Translation Revision Process: Evidence from Error Analysis, Questionnaire, and Eye-Tracking. Informatics: open access journal, 6(4), [51]. https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics6040051
  18. Ciobanu, D., & Secara, A. (2019). Speech recognition and synthesis technologies in the translation workflow. In M. O'Hagan (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology (1. ed., pp. 91-106). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315311258
  19. Ciobanu, D. I. (2018). Automatic Speech Recognition in the professional translation process. In Exploring the Situational Interface of Translation and Cognition John Benjamins Publishing Company. Benjamins Current Topics Vol. 101 https://doi.org/10.1075/bct.101.07cio
  20. Ciobanu, D. I. (2018). Collaborative Student Translation Projects - Sharing Best Practices from the EMT Network. In Handbook of research on multilingual writing and pedagogical cooperation in virtual learning environments (pp. 222). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-4154-7
  21. Fisher, A., Exley, K., & Ciobanu, D. (2013). Using Technology to Support Learning and Teaching. (1st edition ed.) Routledge. Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education
  22. Castagnoli, S., Ciobanu, D. I., Kunz, K., Kübler, N., & Volanschi, A. (2011). Designing a Learner Translator Corpus for Training Purposes. In Corpora, Language, Teaching and Resources: from Theory to Practice Peter Lang.


  1. AI and Translation. Implications for language professionals

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period16 May 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Università degli Studi di Trieste

    I-34127, Trieste, Italy

    KeywordsAI, Artificial Intelligence, Translation, Machine Translation

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOn-site

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  2. EDUinLOC (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period6 May 2024 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)


    EDUinLOC Advisory Board member
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation


    319 North First Avenue, Ste. 2, Localization World, Ltd., 83864, Sandpoint, Indiana, United States

    Keywordstranslation technology, translation technology training

    Activity: MembershipBusiness

  3. MT Post-editing workshop (English as a source language)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period26 Apr 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    This course will allow participants to become acquainted with the concepts, modes and challenges of machine translation post-editing so that they can provide such services with more confidence.

    This session builds on the February MT webinar offered to the CIoL.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Chartered Institute of Linguists

    Saxon House, 48 Southwark Street, SE1 1UN London, United Kingdom

    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  4. MT Post-editing workshop (English as a target language)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period26 Apr 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    This course will allow participants to become acquainted with the concepts, modes and challenges of machine translation post-editing so that they can provide such services with more confidence.

    This session builds on the February MT webinar offered to the CIoL.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Chartered Institute of Linguists

    Saxon House, 48 Southwark Street, SE1 1UN London, United Kingdom

    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  5. Useful Tools for Translators: SDL Trados and OpusCAT

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period11 Apr 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    OPUS CAT MT, Trados Studio, and Matecat masterclass for University of Timișoara MA students.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    West University of Timisoara

    Bulevardul Vasile Parvan 4 , 300223, Timisoara, Romania

    KeywordsMachine Translation, CAT tools, machine translation post-editing

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  6. The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Apr 202415 Apr 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


    Sheffield, United Kingdom
    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  7. "Curioser and curioser!" Still wrapping our heads around machine translation after decades of research and use

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Mar 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating Europe Workshop Cluj: Unlocking Borders: post-editing machine translation nowadays and beyond. Practices and challenges


    Cluj, Romania
    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing, machine translation literacy

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  8. IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period14 Mar 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)
    • Doris Hernandez (Organiser)
    • Carmen Peris (Organiser)
    • Jose Garcia-Verdugo (Organiser)


    Topic: Collaboration (with humans and technology)
    i. Collaboration with people (fostering collaborative practices/proactive sharing/sense of initiative/project management);
    ii. Collaboration with technology (are we reactive or proactive when introducing tools/are users adequately supported/are changes adequately documented/are workflows adequately adapted?)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology)


    Vienna , Austria
    KeywordsTranslation, translation industry, translation didactics, translation technology training, translation technology, Soft Skills Training

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  9. IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 1: Skills

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period13 Mar 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)
    • Doris Hernandez (Organiser)
    • Carmen Peris (Organiser)
    • Jose Garcia-Verdugo (Organiser)


    Topic: Skills (translation skills, subject-matter expertise acquisition, and as wide a range of soft skills as necessary for each IO/university programme)
    i. Skills assessment (techniques/competence frameworks/assessment technologies used; changing IO and student profiles);
    ii. Skills development (techniques/technologies used; which new tasks require which new skills?).
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 1: Skills


    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation, translation industry, translation didactics, translation technology, translation technology training, Soft Skills Training

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  10. JIAMCATT Workshop on AI

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period7 Mar 2024
    • Katharina Ivan (Invited speaker)
    • Pascale Elbaz (Invited speaker)
    • Markus Foti (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    JIAMCATT 2024


    Paris, France
    Keywordstranslation technology, translation technology training, AI

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOn-site

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

  11. Introduction to MT post-editing: theory, best practice and pitfalls

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Feb 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    The webinar provides an overview of several crucial topics that language professionals need to understand to navigate the complexities of machine translation (MT) within the language services industry effectively:
    - how Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are built, how they "learn", and how they can be further improved through fine-tuning;
    - current MT evaluation methods, with general benefits and drawbacks;
    - how NMT is integrated into Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and how to avoid confusing translation memory (TM) match scores with quality estimation (QE) ones in the CAT interface;
    - what MT post-editing is and what is expected of post-editors;
    - an alternative to post-editing in silence: speech-enabled post-editing.
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=946nZUe8YT0 (A recording of the highly popular and practical post-editing webinar delivered by CIOL in February 2024. This webinar featured Dragoș Ciobanu, Professor of Computational Terminology and Machine Translation in the University of Vienna Centre for Translation Studies, and leader of the HAITrans research group (Human and Artificial Intelligence in Translation). For more information, please visit https://haitrans.univie.ac.at/ The webinar provides an overview of several crucial topics that language professionals need to understand to navigate the complexities of machine translation (MT) within the language services industry effectively: - how Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are built, how they "learn", and how they can be further improved through fine-tuning; - current MT evaluation methods, with general benefits and drawbacks; - how NMT is integrated into Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools and how to avoid confusing translation memory (TM) match scores with quality estimation (QE) ones in the CAT interface; - what MT post-editing is and what is expected of post-editors; - an alternative to post-editing in silence: speech-enabled post-editing. If you are interested in the follow-up post-editing workshops with CIOL and the University of Vienna, available for those with English as either the source or target language: https://www.ciol.org.uk/online-worksh... To learn more about the benefits of becoming a CIOL member: https://www.ciol.org.uk/membership Keep in touch: LinkedIn: / the-chartered-institute-of-linguists Twitter: / ciol_linguists Facebook: / charteredinstituteoflinguists )

    Related external organisation

    Chartered Institute of Linguists

    Saxon House, 48 Southwark Street, SE1 1UN London, United Kingdom

    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing, speech technologies, text to speech, speech-enabled PEMT

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

  12. Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodFeb 2024 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal

    Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice


    KeywordsTranslation Studies

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  13. Routledge, Taylor & Francis (Publisher)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period31 Jan 20248 Mar 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)


    Reviewer for the Routledge Handbook of the Translation Industry
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related Publisher

    Routledge, Taylor & Francis

    Keywordstranslation technology, project management technology, ergonomics, translation process studies

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  14. Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XII - Bridging Cultures and Communities through Translation Studies (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodDec 2023Jan 2024
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XII - Bridging Cultures and Communities through Translation Studies


    Nitra, Slovakia
    KeywordsTranslation, Translation Studies, translation technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  15. Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period30 Nov 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    7th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting: Expanding Frontiers of T&I Interdisciplinarity: A Voice for Greater Synergy


    Shanghai, China
    KeywordsTranslation, translation studies, Machine Translation, speech technologies, interpreting, translation technology

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  16. Careers in the Language Services Industry

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period29 Nov 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)
    • Anita Wilson (Organiser)
    • Klaus Fleischmann (Organiser)


    Take a look behind the scenes of Austrian translation agencies and find out about the varied career opportunities in the language services industry! Listen to inspiring speakers and visit our information desks. Seize this unique opportunity to find out which skills and specialization will future-proof your career. After all, we are no longer "just" about translation. You will hear about diverse job profiles.
    Degree of recognitionLocal

    Related event

    Careers in the Language Services Industry


    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation Studies, language services industry, careers

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  17. The use of speech technologies and machine translation in institutional translation practices

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period22 Nov 2023
    • Justus Brockmann (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating and the Computer


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordsmachine translation, institutional translation, speech technologies

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOn-site

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  18. University of Vienna and RWS Campus - video chat - August 2023

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Sep 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Dragoș Ioan Ciobanu, Professor of Computational Terminology and Machine Translation at University of Vienna, Austria, joined for a video chat to discuss their use of Trados technology in their university courses as part of their partnership with RWS Campus.

    Dragoș talks about how they prefer to introduce technology early on in their courses, a PHD student research project using Trados Studio, plus a variety of experiments using Studio plug-ins.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    RWS Group

    Europa House, Chiltern ParkChiltern Hill, SL9 9FG, Chalfont St Peter, United Kingdom

    KeywordsTranslation, CAT tools, computer-assisted translation, Machine Translation, translation technology, translation technology training

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

  19. ZTW Sketch Engine Workshop

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period28 Jun 2023
    • Michaela Chiaki Ripplinger (Organiser)
    • Alina Secara (Presenter)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Presenter)


    ZTW Sketch Engine Workshop
    A customised three-hour hands-on training session delivered in the ZTW computer lab by Dr. Alina Secară and Prof Dragoș Ciobanu to 20+ ZTW members of staff.
    Degree of recognitionLocal

    Related event

    ZTW Sketch Engine Workshop


    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordscorpus linguistics, Sketch Engine, translation technology, terminology

    Activity: Academic eventsParticipation in ...

  20. Post-editing Machine Translation Output within a Speech-enabled CAT Tool: Findings from an Eye-tracking Study

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period20 Apr 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Online Translation Seminar "Post-editing Machine Translation Output within a Speech-enabled CAT Tool: Findings from an Eye-tracking Study" (20 April 2023)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Hong Kong Baptist University

    Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation post-editing, speech technologies, speech synthesis, Eye-Tracking, machine translation literacy

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  21. ZTW degree programmes: one step closer to becoming language professionals

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period19 Apr 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    Uniorientiert: die Tage der offenen Tür


    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  22. Translation in the age of Artificial Intelligence

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period18 Apr 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionRegional

    Related event

    Tag der offenen Tür am ZTW

    18/04/23 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsArtificial Intelligence, translation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  23. Sesiune transversală. Prezentarea concluziilor referitoare la viziunea și obiectivele de țară privind cercetarea, dezvoltarea și inovarea în România: concluzii, aspirații și direcții de acțiune

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period13 Apr 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Panel with 10 workshop representatives sharing findings.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Smart Diaspora 2023: Diaspora în învățământ superior, știință, inovare și antreprenoriat


    Timișoara, Romania
    Keywordstranslation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  24. Workshop: Noi tehnologii pentru cercetarea procesului de traducere: eye-tracking

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period12 Apr 2023
    • Raluca-Maria Chereji (Invited speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Talk delivered as part of the ”Traducere și comunicare interculturală – de la digitalizare la inteligență artificială. Noi direcții în predare, cercetare și practică” workshop series.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Smart Diaspora 2023: Diaspora în învățământ superior, știință, inovare și antreprenoriat


    Timișoara, Romania
    KeywordsEye-Tracking, machine translation, post-editing machine translation, audiovisual translation, speech technologies, research methods

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  25. Traducerea automată neuronală și traducerea asistată de calculator în practică și cercetare

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period11 Apr 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Smart Diaspora 2023: Diaspora în învățământ superior, știință, inovare și antreprenoriat


    Timișoara, Romania
    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing, computer-assisted translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  26. Traducere și comunicare interculturală – de la digitalizare la inteligența artificială. Noi direcții în predare, cercetare și practică

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period10 Apr 202313 Apr 2023
    • Loredana Pungă (Organiser)
    • Daniel Dejica Cartiș (Organiser)
    • Titela Vîlceanu (Organiser)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)
    • Alina Secara (Organiser)


    Organisers of the "Traducere și comunicare interculturală – de la digitalizare la inteligența artificială. Noi direcții în predare, cercetare și practică" workshop within the Smart Diaspora 2023 event.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Traducere și comunicare interculturală – de la digitalizare la inteligența artificială. Noi direcții în predare, cercetare și practică: Workshop which was part of the SmartDiaspora 2023 international conference


    Timișoara, Romania
    Keywordscomputer-assisted translation, Machine Translation, Translation, subtitling, subtitling training, translation technology, translation technology training

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  27. Speech Recognition for Conferencing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period30 Mar 2023
    • Sofia Lobanova (Keynote speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Yassin Amartib (Invited speaker)
    • Mihaela Calacean (Invited speaker)
    • Allaedine Djouama (Invited speaker)
    • Bruno Pouliquen (Invited speaker)
    • Henri Meylan (Invited speaker)
    • Tania Romera (Invited speaker)
    • Maria Recort Ruiz (Invited speaker)


    SessionSpeech Recognition for Conferencing with S.Lobanova (UNOG), Y.Amartib & M.Calacean (European Commission), A.Djouama (ITU), A.Dewan & H.Meylan (WIPO), M.Recort Ruiz (ILO), D.Ciobanu & A.Secară (University of Vienna) 30 Mar 2023, 15:15 In-Person Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
    • DGI, European Commission presentation by Yassin Amartib & Mihaela Calacean
    • ITU presentation by Allaedine Djouama
    • WIPO presentation by Akshat Dewan & Henri Meylan
    • UNOG update by Tania Romera and Sofia Lobanova
    • ILO update by Maria Recort Ruiz
    • Speech recognition-supported captioning for accessibility by Alina Secară and Dragoș Ciobanu
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    InnoVent 2: Innovation in Conferencing


    Geneva, Switzerland
    KeywordsSpeech Technology, Accessibility, translation technology

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  28. Speech-enabled Post-editing of Machine Translation

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period30 Mar 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    InnoVent 2: Innovation in Conferencing


    Geneva, Switzerland
    Keywordsspeech recognition, speech synthesis, Machine Translation, machine translation post-editing

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  29. 5 aspecte incomode despre traducerea automată neuronală

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period23 Mar 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tîrgu Mureş


    KeywordsMachine Translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing, speech synthesis, speech technologies

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  30. Tehnologia traducerii și traducerea automată în română

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period16 Mar 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event



    Wien, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation Studies, Machine Translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  31. Speech-enabled Machine Translation Post-editing (MTPE): Effective or Distracting?

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period13 Mar 2023
    • Claudia Plieseis (Speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Justus Brockmann (Contributor)
    • Raluca-Maria Chereji (Contributor)
    • Miguel Angel Rios Gaona (Contributor)

    Related event

    GALA 2023 Dublin


    Dublin, Ireland

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

  32. Preparing for a meaningful career in Translation Studies research

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period6 Feb 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XI: Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting


    Nitra, Slovakia
    KeywordsTranslation Studies, translation technology

    Additional information

    Mode of presentationOnline

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  33. Tagung der Österreichischen Translationswissenschaft

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period3 Feb 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Panellist)


    Pannel member for Podiumsdiskussion 2: Aktuelle Themen der Forschung
    Moderation: Klaus Kaindl (Wien)
    • Marco Agnetta (Innsbruck)
    • Carole Bourgadel (Graz)
    • Dragoş Ciobanu (Wien)
    • Nadja Grbić (Graz)
    • Katharina Redl (Innsbruck)
    • Hanna Risku (Wien)
    • Aleksandar Trklja (Innsbruck)
    • Rafael Schögler (Graz)
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    Tagung der Österreichischen Translationswissenschaft


    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation Studies, translation technology

    Activity: Academic eventsParticipation in ...

  34. Translating and the Computer (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Feb 202320 Mar 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating and the Computer


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordstranslation technology, speech recognition, Machine Translation

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  35. The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodFeb 2023Mar 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


    Tampere, Finland
    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  36. Mouton de Gruyter (Publisher)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Jan 20231 Feb 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)


    Reviewer for the "Handbook of the Language Industry: Contexts, Resources and Profiles"
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related Publisher

    Mouton de Gruyter

    KeywordsTranslation Studies, translation technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  37. Circle U Alliance Teaching and Researching Neural Machine Translation

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Dec 202216 Dec 2022
    • Alina Secara (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Presentation and round table contribution to Circle U Alliance Conference focussing on establishing collaborations between translators and computational scientists with a view to developping reserach and implementing teaching resources in the field of neural machine translation.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event



    Paris, France

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  38. Machine Translation: Ecosystem, Challenges, and Solutions

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period13 Dec 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    The quality and coverage of Machine Translation output is constantly improving nowadays, solving a range of practical problems, but also introducing new ones. At the same time, professional linguists are mostly working with the same tools and in the same environment with which they have been accustomed since the 1990s, which makes dealing with the latest neural machine translation (NMT)-specific challenges rather difficult. This talk will illustrate with examples some of these challenges, will situate NMT use within the context of other technologies which help professional linguists, and will propose new environments and workflows to address some of the latest issues.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Renmin University of China

    Beijing, China

    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  39. A Diachronic Overview of the Competences Required in the Translation Industry. A Case Study on Today’s Romanian Translation Market

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period8 Dec 2022
    • Gabriel Bărdășan (Chair of the comittee)
    • Loredana Pungă (Examiner)
    • Silvia Florea (Examiner)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Examiner)
    • Daniel Dejica Cartiș (Examiner)


    PhD thesis
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    KeywordsTranslation Studies, translation technology, translation didactics

    Activity: Examination comitteesExamination comittee

  40. Traducerea automată neuronală - probleme și soluții

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period8 Dec 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Invited talk within the Romanian Diaspora@WUT series
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    West University of Timisoara

    Bulevardul Vasile Parvan 4 , 300223, Timisoara, Romania

    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  41. memoQ training afternoon for ZTW Romanian translator trainers and students

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Dec 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Presenter)
    • Ana Cletiu (Contributor)
    • Laura Balomiri (Participant)
    • Cinzia Hirschvogl (Participant)
    • Andreea Clodi (Participant)


    memoQ training afternoon for ZTW Romanian translator trainers and students
    Degree of recognitionLocal

    Related event

    memoQ training afternoon for ZTW Romanian translator trainers and students


    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, computer-assisted translation

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  42. Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XI: Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodDec 2022Jan 2023
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Tradition and Innovation in Translation Studies Research XI: Perspectives in Translation and Interpreting


    Nitra, Slovakia
    Keywordstranslation technology, Translation, translation studies

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  43. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period29 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    The Past, the Present, and the Future of Translation: Where are you and where you want to be
    Cedomir Pusica, Marketing Manager, memoQ Translation Technologies Ltd.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, computer-assisted translation, machine translation

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  44. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period28 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    Working as a linguist at the European Central Bank
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, employability, internships

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  45. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period28 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    English editing workshop offered by European Central Bank (ECB) representatives
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, editing

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  46. Speech-enabled post-editing of Neural Machine Translation output

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period27 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Nankai International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Development in Translation Studies


    Nankai, China
    Keywordsmachine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech technologies, machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  47. The use of speech technologies in translation, revision, and post-editing machine translation (PEMT)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period25 Nov 2022
    • Justus Brockmann (Speaker)
    • Raluca-Maria Chereji (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    • Claudia Plieseis (Contributor)


    This presentation offered an overview of current projects at the HAITrans research group supporting the value of investigations into the potential of speech technologies to improve translators’ workplace and cognitive ergonomics.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating and the Computer


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordsspeech recognition, speech synthesis, speech technologies, translation, revision, post-editing machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  48. Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period24 Nov 2022
    • Miguel Angel Rios Gaona (Speaker)
    • Raluca-Maria Chereji (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)


    In this presentation, we discussed the impact on quality of fine-tuning a Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) model with in-domain medical data for English-Romanian. We compared an out-of-domain MNMT model with the in-domain adapted MNMT model using automatic metrics and human error annotation based on a terminology-specific error typology, and showed that the in-domain MNMT model outperformed the general model across most metrics and produced fewer terminology-related errors.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating and the Computer


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordsdomain adaptation, Neural Machine Translation, automatic metrics, human evaluation, error annotation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  49. Ask the experts

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period17 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Innovation in Translation Summit


    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech technologies

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  50. Speech-enabled MT post-editing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Nov 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Innovation in Translation Summit


    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation literacy, machine translation post-editing, speech technologies, speech synthesis, speech recognition

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public


    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period9 Nov 2022
    • Aminda Leigh (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Nicolas Beckers (Invited speaker)
    • Amalie Foss (Invited speaker)
    • Gian Maria Greco (Invited speaker)


    How many ways are there to convey meaning between languages? Can translators switch from translating text-to-text to speech-to-text translation? What are the key changes and challenges in the profession today? How can speech-to-text and text-to-speech technologies improve accessibility for diverse audiences and how can they help translators with specific needs? What are the latest technological developments that make a translator's work easier? What skills are most needed and what new opportunities are coming up?
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating Europe Forum 2022


    Brussels, Belgium
    Keywordsspeech technologies, accessibility

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  52. Translation in the Era of Machine Translation and Post-Editing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period27 Oct 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Invited speaker)
    • Claudia Plieseis (Contributor)
    • Raluca-Maria Chereji (Contributor)
    • Miguel Angel Rios Gaona (Contributor)
    • Justus Brockmann (Contributor)


    Recent developments in neural machine translation (NMT) have led to its integration in various translation workflows, frequently as post-editing of machine translation (PEMT) tasks. Using concrete examples of NMT use from the industry, institutions and training contexts, as well as data from research, the presenters will discuss the pros and cons of neural machine translation in professional translation contexts. The topics to be addressed will range from scenarios suitable for PEMT, quality and productivity in PEMT workflows, and differences between PEMT and revision, to translation strategies for PEMT, integration of further tools in PEMT, and impact of MT on linguists, translation process and product. The aim is to facilitate fruitful interactions between participants and stimulate discussions about technological advancements and their impact on the occupational status, visibility and work of professional translators.

    This presentation is part of the collaboration between the University of Vienna and UNOV within the IAMLADP Universities Contact Group. The Universities Contact Group of the IAMLADP Working Group on Training acts as liaison between international organizations and universities as training providers, and promotes information exchange, cooperation and better relations between the two constituencies.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Vereinte Nationen (UNO), Wien


    Keywordsmachine translation, translation, revision, PEMT, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  53. Speech recognition for translators

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period6 Oct 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Interinstitutional Workshop on Speech Recognition - European Union Interinstitutional Committee for Translation and Interpretation


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation post-editing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech technologies

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  54. From Fear to Cheer: Introducing Students to MT Evaluation and Post-Editing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period29 Sep 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Speaker)


    This presentation focuses on the MT evaluation and PEMT components of an MT seminar recently introduced in the new curriculum available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of Vienna (UniVie) Centre for Translation Studies (ZTW). An MT literacy task (Bowker, 2020) was extended to enable 103 students enrolled in five seminar groups to choose English (EN) scientific abstracts relevant to several UniVie faculties, collect raw MT output into German (DE) or another preferred target language (TL) from three freely-available engines of their choice, and become proficient users of a professional MT customisation and evaluation tool – KantanAI . This tool was used to conduct, first, one experiment designed to single out the best-performing MT engine through a ranking task assessing overall quality, adequacy, and fluency (Task 1 – AB Test). This first experiment was followed by a second one (Task 2 – QE Test) assessing the perceived quality of the overall best-ranked engine from Task 1 through adequacy and fluency ratings once again, supplemented by error annotation and post-editing.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Teaching translation and interpreting in the age of neural machine translation


    Brussels, Belgium
    Keywordstranslation training, machine translation literacy

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  55. Using Error Annotation to Support Post-Editing in the Context of Translator Training

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period4 Jul 2022
    • Justus Brockmann (Speaker)
    • Claudia Plieseis (Contributor)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    New Trends in Translation & Technology


    Rhodes, Greece

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  56. Convergence lecture: Bringing translation, revision, and PEMT practices into the 21st century: integrating speech technologies into professional workflows

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period29 Jun 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Convergence lectures (organised by the University of Surrey Centre for Translation Studies)

    19/04/21 → …

    Surrey, United Kingdom
    Keywordsspeech recognition, speech synthesis, translation, translation technology, machine translation post-editing, machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  57. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period20 Jun 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    ZTW Language Industry Talks
    Nicola Poeta, STAR7
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation post-editing, translation technology

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  58. Is your computer talking to you during translation, revision, or post-editing? Keep calm, talk back, and carry on!

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period7 Jun 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    As translation volumes increase, machine translation implementations improve in a variety of language pairs and domains, and ‘automation’ vies for the position of top industry buzzword, translators are increasingly expected to handle more content in less time without jeopardising quality. However, the vast majority of specialised tools they currently use have not evolved at the same pace. This presentation will discuss some of the advantages and pitfalls of integrating speech technologies into translators’ workspaces. Despite not being present by default in mainstream translation, revision, and post-editing tools, there are still ways in which translators can test dictation and speech synthesis for themselves, as we will experience together. At the end of the day, this spoonful of speech technologies sugar will hopefully make the neural machine translation (among others) medicine go down more easily.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating Europe Workshop June 2022 - Localisation and Technical Writing


    Warsaw, Poland
    KeywordsTranslation, speech recognition, speech synthesis, revision, post-editing machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  59. Translating Europe Workshop June 2022 - Localisation and Technical Writing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period7 Jun 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Panellist)


    Panel member contributing to the Discussion on localisation practices and workflows
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translating Europe Workshop June 2022 - Localisation and Technical Writing


    Warsaw, Poland
    Keywordstranslation, localisation, speech technologies

    Activity: Academic eventsParticipation in ...

  60. Error Annotation in Post-Editing Machine Translation: Investigating the Impact of Text-to-Speech Technology

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Jun 2022
    • Claudia Plieseis (Speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Speaker)

    Related event

    The 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation


    Ghent, Belgium

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  61. The Third HKBU International Conference on Interpreting - INTERPRETING AND TECHNOLOGY: INTERPLAY AND TRANSFORMATION (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period1 Jun 2022 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    The Third HKBU International Conference on Interpreting -


    Hong Kong
    Keywordstranslation, technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  62. L10N Journal – Translation in Software, Software in Translation (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period31 May 2022 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal

    L10N Journal – Translation in Software, Software in Translation

    Keywordstranslation, localisation, technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  63. Panel on Machine Translation

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period20 May 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Panelist discussing present and future implementations of machine translation, with specific focus on the Romanian market.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translate Cluj 2022: Together again


    Cluj, Romania
    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation post-editing, PEMT

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  64. To use or not to use speech synthesis for translation, revision or MT post-editing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period20 May 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    This session will show practically how current speech synthesis tools can be integrated into translation, as well as text processing environments. Based on such examples, the advantages and disadvantages of such integrations will be discussed. Live subjects and authentic examples will feature in the demonstrations, and the participants are strongly encouraged to interrupt the speaker’s unavoidable soliloquies with piercing questions.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translate Cluj 2022: Together again


    Cluj, Romania
    KeywordsTranslation, speech recognition, post-editing machine translation, PEMT, revision

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  65. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period9 May 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    Software Localization with a personal touch
    A. Mansour Bavar (talk in English, Q&A in English/German)
    Localization Manager at Yoti
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation, software localisation, machine translation, terminology

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  66. Conference on teaching translation and interpreting in the age of neural machine translation (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodMay 2022 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Conference on teaching translation and interpreting in the age of neural machine translation


    Brussels, Belgium
    Keywordstranslation, machine translation, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  67. Translator for the Sibiu International Theatre Festival - FITS2022

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodMay 2022Jul 2022
    • Alina Secara (Consultant)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Consultant)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Sibiu International Theatre Festival - FITS2022


    Sibiu, Romania
    Keywordstranslation, subtitling

    Activity: ConsultancyCivil society

  68. DGT Virtual Visit

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period29 Apr 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Participant)

    Related event

    DGT Virtual Visit


    KeywordsTranslation, employability, interpreting, Technology

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  69. ZTW degree programmes: one step closer to becoming language professionals.

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period6 Apr 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    uniorientiert 2022: Live-Sessions


    Wien, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, Technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  70. The effects of speech technology on translation, revision and post-editing machine translation (PEMT)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period10 Mar 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Keynote presentation
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    thebigword thebigleaders seminar series


    United Kingdom
    Keywordsspeech synthesis, translation, revision, machine translation, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  71. ZTW Language Industry Talks

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period17 Jan 2022
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Organiser)


    The Smart Global Content Production Process
    In the final session of the semester, University of Vienna alumnus Klaus Fleischmann gave a talk on the Smart Global Content Production Process. Klaus is a former Chair of the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) Board, and CEO of the Kaleidoscope Group, an Austrian enterprise that provides a wide range of translation-related solutions. In the Smart Global Content Production Process, content is first created in a modern, often modular fashion, and then translated, managed and delivered. Each step of the process involves specialised tools and job roles, and requires attention to detail, technical competence and a proactive attitude. Klaus further explained how his company manages quality processes, also with regard to the use of machine translation.
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    ZTW Language Industry Talks

    18/10/21 → …

    Vienna, Austria
    KeywordsTranslation, Technology, machine translation, terminology

    Activity: Academic eventsOrganisation of ...

  72. Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodJan 2022 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain: International conference organised by l’AFFUMT - Association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction) «


    Grenoble, France
    Keywordstranslation, Translation Studies, machine translation, machine translation post-editing, translation didactics

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  73. Inteligența Artificială în slujba terminologilor și traducătorilor

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period25 Nov 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    West University of Timisoara

    Bulevardul Vasile Parvan 4 , 300223, Timisoara, Romania

    Keywordstranslation, Translation Studies, terminology, machine translation, machine translation post-editing, translation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  74. IATIS Yearbook (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodNov 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal

    IATIS Yearbook

    Keywordstranslation, machine translation, translation didactics, translation training, translation technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  75. Rule-based (RMBT), statistical (SMT), and neural machine translation (NMT): what now?

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period26 Oct 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    DG TRAD Conference: “Machine Translation: driven by humans, powered by technology”


    Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    Keywordstranslation, machine translation, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  76. Introduction to speech recognition and Dragon NaturallySpeaking

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period30 Sep 2021
    • Claudia Plieseis (Invited speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Hands-on speech recognition workshop offered to university students and members of Universitas.
    Degree of recognitionNational

    Related event

    Übersetzen und Technologien. Workshop organised by the European Comission Representation in Austria, University of Vienna, University of Graz, University of Innsbruck and Universitas



    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  77. Translating, revising and post-editing with automatic speech synthesis: new technologies, new practices?

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Sep 2021
    • Claudia Plieseis (Speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)

    Related event

    7th IATIS Conference: The Cultural Ecology of Translation


    Barcelona, Spain

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  78. Speech-enabled machine translation post-editing in the context of translator training

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period3 Sep 2021
    • Claudia Plieseis (Speaker)
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Contributor)
    • Justus Brockmann (Contributor)


    As part of an initiative to introduce novel translation technologies and professional practices starting from the undergraduate level, we conducted a case study with 19 University of Vienna students using speech-enabled PEMT - i.e. a combination of speech synthesis and PEMT. We contend that speech-enabled PEMT mitigates some challenges associated with “traditional”, silent PEMT. In this presentation, we report on the students’ performance and evolving attitudes during the English into German PEMT task in four different working conditions (in silence; with speech synthesis for the source text segments; with speech synthesis for the target text segments; and with speech synthesis for both source and target text segments). Using these results, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of exposing students to novel technologies and practices such as synthetic voices and PEMT early, and the role these interactions can play in translator training.

    Related event

    The Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning



    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  79. Hieronymus (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodSep 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal



    Keywordstranslation, machine translation, interpreting, speech translation

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  80. ZTW tech day

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period20 Jul 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Keynote speaker)
    Degree of recognitionLocal

    Related organisation

    Department for Translation Studies

    Centre for Translation Studies

    Keywordstranslation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  81. Translation in the age of Artificial Intelligence

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period21 Jun 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Bartholomäus Wloka (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionLocal

    Related event

    ZTW Open Day


    Vienna, Austria
    Keywordstranslation technology, machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  82. Current machine translation (MT) trends and practices

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period19 Jun 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Back 2 Tech: Translate Cluj CPD


    Keywordsmachine translation, translation technology, machine translation post-editing

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  83. PhD Impact Symposium - Theses worth sharing

    • Department for Translation Studies
    • Department of Slavonic Studies
    • Department of Near Eastern Studies
    Period16 Jun 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Contributor)
    • Claudia Plieseis (Speaker)
    • Florian Szabo (Speaker)
    • Uros Ristanovic (Speaker)
    • Ta-Hsin Kuo (Speaker)
    • Antonella Torzullo (Speaker)
    • Ludwig Kollenz (Speaker)
    • Monika Stögerer (Speaker)
    • Mikael Evdokimov (Speaker)
    • Nadia Linder (Contributor)


    Postgraduate students from five different UniVie research areas showcase their research with impact.
    - additional speaker: Irina Levchenko, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies.
    Degree of recognitionRegional

    Related organisation

    Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies

    University of Vienna

    Keywordstranslation, Translation Studies, crisis translation, interpreting, literary translation, musicology, feminism

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  84. Automatic Spoken Language Translation in Real-World Settings (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period10 May 202115 Aug 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Automatic Spoken Language Translation in Real-World Settings: Workshop inside the Machine Translation Summit 2021


    Orlando, Florida, United States
    Keywordsspeech recognition, translation, translation studies, speech translation

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  85. Machine Translation - another tool in our toolbox

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period19 Apr 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Public talk on what machine translation is and how it impacts the work of professional translators.
    Degree of recognitionRegional

    Related external organisation

    IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer

    Seidengasse 13, 1070, Wien, Austria

    Keywordstranslation, machine translation

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  86. 3 questions for an expert

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period16 Apr 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)


    Interview recorded by Dr Martin Kappus, ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW)

    Technikumstrasse 9 , CH-8401, Winterthur, Switzerland

    Keywordsmachine translation, translation, translation technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  87. Benefits of speech technologies for translators and revisers

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period9 Apr 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Speaker)
    • Alina Secara (Speaker)


    Parallel session presentation delivered at the international conference organised by AFFUMT (Association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction) outlining the results of a study integrating speech synthesis in the process of translation revision.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Former aux métiers de la traduction aujourd’hui et demain: International conference organised by l’AFFUMT - Association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction) «


    Grenoble, France
    Keywordstranslation training, speech technologies, eye tracking, error analysis

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

  88. ZTW degree programmes: one step closer to becoming language professionals. Der Weg zur Fachausbildung in der Translatorik

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period6 Apr 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Bartholomäus Wloka (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    uniorientiert 2021: Live-Sessions


    Wien, Austria
    Keywordstranslation, interpreting, technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

  89. New degrees preparing for new profiles - panel discussion

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period25 Mar 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    • Pilar Sánchez-Gijón (Invited speaker)
    • Ernest Valveny Llobet (Invited speaker)
    • Špela Vintar (Invited speaker)
    • Slavko Žitnik (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    EMT NETWORK MEETING: EMT – breeding ground for digital linguists?


    Keywordstranslation, training, technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  90. International Review of Studies in Applied Modern Languages (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Mar 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal

    International Review of Studies in Applied Modern Languages


    Keywordslanguage technologies, language corpora, machine translation

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  91. Interpreting: international journal of research and practice in interpreting (Journal)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period15 Mar 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related journal

    Interpreting: international journal of research and practice in interpreting


    Keywordslanguage technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review

  92. Overview of translation technologies. Requirements, benefits and practicalities

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period4 Mar 2021
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Invited speaker)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    TEW workshop Translation Technologies – Understand, Embrace, Adopt


    Vilnius, Lithuania
    Keywordstranslation, technology

    Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

  93. EDUinLOC (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodMar 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)


    EDUinLOC (a LocWorld initiative) is a global platform to enable communication between academics and the localization industry.
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation


    319 North First Avenue, Ste. 2, Localization World, Ltd., 83864, Sandpoint, Indiana, United States

    Keywordstranslation, training, technology

    Activity: MembershipBusiness

  94. IAMLADP Universities Contact Group (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodMar 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    IAMLADP Universities Contact Group

    Brussels, Belgium

    Keywordstranslation, technology, training, machine translation

    Activity: MembershipBusiness

  95. Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodJan 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)

    Seattle, Washington, United States

    Keywordsmachine translation, machine translation post-editing, PEMT, technology, translation

    Activity: MembershipBusiness

  96. Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodJan 2021 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Globalization and Localization Association (GALA)

    Seattle, Washington, United States

    Keywordstranslation, technology, training

    Activity: MembershipBusiness

  97. Traducerea în era digitalizării / Translating in the age of digitalisation

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period10 Dec 2020
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Consultant)


    Training event delivered to the European Commission Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) Romanian (RO+) network
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    European Commission

    Brüssel, 21027, Luxembourg, Belgium

    KeywordsTranslation, Artificial Intelligence, machine translation

    Activity: ConsultancyGovernment

  98. European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    PeriodOct 2020 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)

    EAMT Secretariat, Schützenweg 57, 4123, Allschwil, Switzerland

    Keywordsmachine translation, translation, technology

    Activity: MembershipResearch organization

  99. Artificial Intelligence & Intercultural Intelligence. Actions and interactions in translation, interpreting and target contexts (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period2020 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Artificial Intelligence & Intercultural Intelligence. Actions and interactions in translation, interpreting and target contexts


    Paris, France

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  100. Directorate-General for Translation (External organisation)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period2020 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Member)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Directorate-General for Translation

    Rue de Genève 6/Genèvestraat 6, 1140, Brussels, Belgium

    Keywordstranslation, technology

    Activity: MembershipOther

  101. Translator Training: From the present to the future (Event)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related event

    Translator Training: From the present to the future


    Grenoble, France

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workReview for event

  102. Founding Advisory Board member for Translation Commons

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period2018 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Consultant)
    Degree of recognitionInternational

    Related external organisation

    Translation Commons

    United States

    Activity: ConsultancyCivil society

  103. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group (Publisher)

    • Department for Translation Studies
    Period2017 → …
    • Dragos Ioan Ciobanu (Reviewer)

    Related Publisher

    Routledge, Taylor & Francis

    KeywordsTranslation, technology

    Activity: Publication peer-review, and editorial workPublication peer-review


How to Start a Translation Career: A Guide for Students

Dragos Ioan Ciobanu


1 Media contribution

#2020TEF - Teaching tech: what do we need to train translation technology experts?

Dragos Ioan Ciobanu


1 Media contribution

Department for Translation Studies

Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 05.69

T: +43-1-4277-58080
