Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Waltraud Kolb
T: +43-1-4277-58009
Summer term 2025
340196 SE Master’s Thesis: Writing Process
Winter term 2024
340077 SE Planning of the Master’s Thesis
Summer term 2024
060021 VO Storytelling
340089 VO Introduction to General Literary Studies
340196 SE Master Colloquium
Kolb W. Literary Post-editing: A study of processes and products. Routledge, 2027. (Studies in Literary Translation).
Kolb W. The automatic translation of literature: German versions of two short stories by Kate Chopin . In Beyond Terminology. 2026
Kolb W. Creativity in Literary Post-editing: Reworking a German DeepL Translation of a Text by Lima Barreto. In Walter K, Agnetto M, editors, Applying Artificial Intelligence in Translation and Interpreting : Possibilities, Processes and Phenomena. Routledge. 2025
Kolb W. ’Quite puzzling when I first read it’: Is reading for literary translation different from reading for post-editing? Palimpsestes. 2024;38(38):134-149. doi: 10.4000/12spc
Kadric M, (ed.), Kolb W, (ed.), Poellabauer S, (ed.). Translation als Gestaltung: Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. 1 ed. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2024. 338 p.
Kolb W, Poellabauer S, Kadric M. "Von den Rändern ins Zentrum": Die Wissenschaftsreise von Klaus Kaindl. In Translation als Gestaltung: Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. 1 ed. Tübungen: Narr Francke Attempto. 2024. p. 11-20
Kolb W. What’s new on the “unlikely frontier”? Recent research on AI for literary translation. Counterpoint. 2023 Dec;10:16-20.
Kolb W. Brazilian short prose in German: A study of literary post-editing. Revista Tradumàtica. 2023;21(21):63-86. doi: 10.5565/rev/tradumatica.347
Kolb W, Dressler W, Mattiello E. Human and machine translation of occasionalisms in literary texts: Johann Nestroy’s Der Talisman and its English translations. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. 2023;35(4):540-572. Epub 2023 Apr 3. doi: 10.1075/target.21147.kol
Kolb W. ’I am a bit surprised’: Literary translation and post-editing processes compared. In Rothwell A, Way A, Youdale R, editors, Computer-Assisted Literary Translation. New York: Routledge. 2023. p. 53-68
Kolb W, Miller T. La interacción entre el hombre y la máquina en la traducción de juegos de palabras. In Mejías-Climent L, de los Reyes Lozano J, editors, La traducción audiovisual a través de la traducción automática y la posedición: prácticas actuales y futuras. Granada: Editorial Comares. 2023. p. 37-60
Kolb W, Poellabauer S. Women as interpreters in colonial New Netherland: A microhistorical study of Sara Kierstede. In Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies) : A tribute to Franz Pöchhacker. John Benjamins. 2023. p. 126-146 doi: 10.1075/btl.160.07kol
Kolb W, Miller T. Human–computer Interaction in Pun Translation. In Hadley JL, Taivalkoski-Shilov K, Teixeira CSC, Toral A, editors, Using Technologies for Creative-Text Translation. London: Routledge. 2022. p. 66-88 doi: 10.4324/9781003094159-4
Kolb W. Welche Rolle können Maschinen in der Literaturübersetzung spielen? Universitas Mitteilungsblatt. 2022;1:19-23.
Kolb W. "Diese Übersetzung ist mir gelungen": Die Übersetzerin Erika Mitterer. Der literarische Zaunkönig. Die Zeitschrift der Erika Mitterer Gesellschaft. 2021;3:28-33.
Kolb W. “Hemingway’s priorities were just different”. Self-concepts of literary translators. In Kaindl K, Kolb W, Schlager D, editors, Literary Translator Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2021. p. 107-121 doi: 10.1075/btl.156.05kol
Kaindl K, (ed.), Kolb W, (ed.), Schlager D, (ed.). Literary Translator Studies. John Benjamins, 2021.
Kolb W. Less room for engagement: Researcher Waltraud Kolb on literature and machine translation. Counterpoint. 2020 Dec;4:26-27.
Kolb W. “It was on my mind all day”. Literary translators working from home – some implications of workplace dynamics. In Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J, editors, Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins. 2019. p. 25-41. (Benjamins Current Topics, Vol. 105).
Department for Translation Studies
Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien
Room: N4.13
T: +43-1-4277-58009