Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Cornelia Zwischenberger
Cornelia Zwischenberger
21 - 40 out of 48
Alfer A, (ed.), Zwischenberger C, (ed.). Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in Collaboration/ Special Issue. John Benjamins, 2020. (Target: International Journal of Translation Studies; No. 2, Vol. 32).

Zwischenberger C. Norms. Encyclopedia Entry. In Baker M, Saldanha G, editors, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Third Edition ed. London/ New York: Routledge. 2019. p. 375-380

Zwischenberger C. Research methodologies in interpreting studies. Encyclopedia entry. In Baker M, Saldanha G, editors, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Third Edition ed. London/ New York: Routledge. 2019. p. 474-479

Zwischenberger C, Schippel L. Introduction by the editors. In Schippel L, Zwischenberger C, editors, Going East: Discovering New and Alternative Traditions in Translation Studies. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2017. p. 9-17

Zwischenberger C. Professionals’ self-perception of the social role of conference interpreters. In Biagini M, Boyd M, Monacelli C, editors, The Changing Role of the Interpreter: Contextualising Norms, Ethics and Quality Standards. London/ New York: Routledge. 2017. p. 77-103

Zwischenberger C, Richter J, Kremmel S, Spitzl K. Einleitung zu (Neu-)Kompositionen. Aspekte transkultureller Translationswissenschaft. Liber amicorum für Larisa Schippel. In Richter J, Zwischenberger C, Kremmel S, Spitzl K, editors, (Neu-)Kompositionen. Aspekte transkultureller Translationswissenschaft. Liber amicorum für Larisa Schippel. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2016. p. 7-13

Zwischenberger C. Translationsethiken und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft der translatorischen Berufe. In Richter J, Zwischenberger C, Kremmel S, Spitzl K, editors, (Neu-)Kompositionen. Aspekte transkultureller Translationswissenschaft. Liber amicorum für Larisa Schippel. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2016. p. 37-57

Zwischenberger C, Behr M. A look around and ahead: formations and interpretations of quality in interpreting. Introduction by the editors Cornelia Zwischenberger & Martina Behr. In Zwischenberger C, Behr M, editors, Interpreting Quality: A Look Around and Ahead. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2015. p. 7-14

Zwischenberger C. Bridging Quality and Role in Conference Interpreting. Norms as mediating constructs. In Zwischenberger C, Behr M, editors, Interpreting Quality: A Look Around and Ahead. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2015. p. 231-267

Pöchhacker F, Zwischenberger C. Quality and Role in Conference Interpreting: Views from the East and South of Europe. In Zwischenberger C, Behr M, editors, Interpreting Quality: A Look Around and Ahead . Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2015. p. 269-296. (Transkulturalität - Translation - Transfer, Vol. 19).

Zwischenberger C. Quality in simultaneous conference interpreting: A prospective perspective. In Bączkowska A, editor, Papers in Translation studies. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2015. p. 77-102

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Department for Translation Studies

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1190 Wien
Room: N2.07

T: +43-1-4277-58030
