Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Mira Kadric-Scheiber
T: +43-1-4277-58006
Summer term 2025
340008 SE Master’s Thesis: Writing Process
340086 SE Master’s Thesis: Writing Process
Summer term 2024
340086 SE Master Colloquium
340200 SE Theories and Methods: Interpreting
Poellabauer S, Grießner F, Bahadır Ş, Behr M, Bergunde A, Feyrer C et al. Ausbildungspyramide Dialogdolmetschen: Übersicht über Schulungs-, Sensibilisierungs- und Zertifizierungsangebote für Dialogdolmetscher*innen. 2024.
Kadric M, (ed.), Kolb W, (ed.), Poellabauer S, (ed.). Translation als Gestaltung: Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. 1 ed. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2024. 338 p.
Kolb W, Poellabauer S, Kadric M. "Von den Rändern ins Zentrum": Die Wissenschaftsreise von Klaus Kaindl. In Translation als Gestaltung: Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. 1 ed. Tübungen: Narr Francke Attempto. 2024. p. 11-20
Kadric M, Iacono K. Interpreting in a project network: Dependencies and interpreters’ multidimensional alignment. In Zwischenberger C, Reithofer K, Rennert S, editors, Introducing New Hypertexts on Interpreting (Studies): A tribute to Franz Pöchhacker. John Benjamins. 2023. p. 168-194. (Benjamins Translation Library, Vol. 160).
Kadric M, Poellabauer S. Education and Training of Public Service Interpreter Teachers. In Gavioli L, Wadensjö C, editors, The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting. London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2023. p. 414–428
Kadric M, Rennert S, Uran S, Kregsamer S. Memorisierungsstrategien im Dolmetschprozess: Thesen, Techniken, Tools. 1 ed. Wien : Facultas, 2023. 152 p. (Basiswissen Translation).
Poellabauer S, Bergunde A, Griessner F, Sourdille A, Bahadır Ş, Behr M et al. Übersichtsdarstellung zu Qualifizierungs- und Sensibilisierungsinitiativen im Bereich Dialogdolmetschen in Österreich (2001-2021). 2021 Nov 4. doi: 10.25365/phaidra.297
Kadric M, Rennert S, Schäffner C. Diplomatic and Political Interpreting Explained. 1 ed. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2021. 204 p. (Translation Practices Explained).
Kadric M, Rennert S, Mikic D. Connected education and the co-construction of knowledge in a joint course for law and interpreting students. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies. 2021;(20):52–73.
Poellabauer S, Kadric-Scheiber M, (ed.). Entwicklungslinien des Dolmetschens im soziokulturellen Kontext: Translationskultur(en) im DACH-Raum. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2021. 336 p. (Translationswissenschaft, Vol. 17).
Kadric M. Legal Interpreting and Social Discourse. In Ji M, Laviosa S, editors, The Oxford Handbook of Translation and Social Practices. 2020. p. 501-520 doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067205.013.21
Kadric M. ‚According to the protocol, we were invisible.’ The dynamics of interpreters visibility in politics and diplomacy. In Society and Languages in the Third Millenium. Communication. Education. Translation. . Moskau: RUDN. 2019. p. 113-121
Kadric M, (ed.), Sinclair K, Framson EA, Lušicky V, Iacono K, Platter J et al. Besondere Berufsfelder für Dolmetscher*innen. 1 ed. Wien: Facultas, 2019. 200 p. (Basiswissen Translation. Manual).
Rennert S, Kadric-Scheiber M, Weißenböck C, Kaloh Vid N, Kucis V, Falbo C et al.. Didactic Concept for Training Modules: Joint Training Workshops 2019.
Kadric M. Dramatic expression: Why teaching theatre techniques to interpreting students can dramatically improve their practice. The Linguist: journal of the Institute of Linguists. 2019;11 - 13.
Kadric M. Gerichts- und Behördendolmetschen: Prozessrechtliche und translatorische Perspektiven. 1 ed. Wien: Facultas, 2019. 200 p.
Rennert S, Kadric-Scheiber M, Weißenböck C, Balogh K, (ed.), Balogh K, Bambust I, (ed.) et al.. Improving legal and interpreting service paths of persons suspected or accused of crime: Recommendations for legal professionals 2019.
Kadric M. Jeux de rôle. In Manuel pour interprètes dans les procédures d’asile. HCR Autriche. 2019. p. 6-10
Rennert S, Weißenböck C, Kadric-Scheiber M, Balogh K, (ed.), Salaets H, (ed.), Bambust I, (ed.) et al.. Legal and interpreting service paths of persons suspected or accused of crime: Service path report 2019.
TransLaw: TransLaw. Exploring Legal Interpreting Service Paths and Transcultural Law Clincs for persons suspected or accused of crime
Kadric, M., Rennert, S. & Weißenböck, C.
Project: Research funding
Department for Translation Studies
Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 04.35
T: +43-1-4277-58006
F: +43-1-4277-858006