Mag. Dr. Vesna Lusicky
Vesna Lusicky

Consultation hours: My office hours are Wednesdays, 15:00–16:00. Please email me in advance to make an appointment.

During the period without scheduled lectures, office hours can be arranged upon request and scheduled by appointment.

1 - 20 out of 45

Frontini F, van der Lek I, Lušicky V, Hackenbuchner J, Krüger R, Vandeghinste V. CLARIN Café: Teaching & Training Translation Technologies in SSH Disciplines 2024. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.12703632

Lušicky V, Budin G. Terminologie und Sprachdaten im Lichte der Sprachenpolitik. In de Cillia R, Reisigl M, Vetter E, editors, Sprachenpolitik in Österreich: Bestandsaufnahme 2021. De Gruyter. 2024. p. 357-376. (Sprache im Kontext). doi: 10.1515/9783111329130-017

Chiocchetti E, Lušicky V, Wissik T. Multilingual Legal Terminology Databases: Workflows and roles. In Biel L, Kockaert HJ, editors, Handbook of Terminology: Volume 3. Legal Terminology. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2023. p. 458–484 Epub 2023 Nov 10. doi: 10.1075/hot.3.mul1

Kadric M, (ed.), Sinclair K, Framson EA, Lušicky V, Iacono K, Platter J et al. Besondere Berufsfelder für Dolmetscher*innen. 1 ed. Wien: Facultas, 2019. 200 p. (Basiswissen Translation. Manual).

Lušicky V. Dolmetscher*innen als Wissens- und Terminologiemanager*innen. In Kadrić M, editor, Besondere Berufsfelder für Dolmetscher*innen. Facultas. 2019. p. 67-90

Lušicky V, Wissik T. Language resources in repositories and catalogues: Pilot study on their potential for LSP teaching and training. In Simonnæs I, Andersen Ø, Schubert K, editors, New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes. : Selected Proceedings from the 21st LSP-Conference 28–30 June 2017 Bergen, Norway.. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2019. p. 327

Heinisch B, Lušicky V. User expectations towards machine translation: A case study. In Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks, 19–23 August, 2019, Dublin, Ireland. 2019. p. 42-48

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Exil:Trans: Translators in Exile – Translating in the Face of Tyranny

Budin, G., Kelletat, A. F., Schippel, L., Weber Henking, I. & Lusicky, V.


Project: Research funding

CEF Automated Translation for the EU Council Presidency

Budin, G., Berger-Kuklik, B. & Lusicky, V.


Project: Research funding


Budin, G., Berger-Kuklik, B. & Lusicky, V.


Project: Research funding


Budin, G., Berger-Kuklik, B. & Lusicky, V.


Project: Research funding


Budin, G., Berger-Kuklik, B. & Lusicky, V.


Project: Research funding

Department for Translation Studies

Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien