Mag. Dr. Vesna Lusicky
Vesna Lusicky

Consultation hours: My office hours are Thursdays, 15:00–16:00. Please email me in advance to make an appointment.

During the period without scheduled lectures, office hours can be arranged upon request and scheduled by appointment.

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Lušicky V, Budin G. Terminologie und Sprachdaten im Lichte der Sprachenpolitik. In de Cillia R, Reisigl M, Vetter E, editors, Sprachenpolitik in Österreich. Bestandsaufnahme 2021. . De Gruyter. 2024. (Sprache im Kontext).

Chiocchetti E, Lušicky V, Wissik T. Multilingual Legal Terminology Databases. In Biel L, Kockaert HJ, editors, Handbook of Terminology: Volume 3: Legal Terminology. John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2023. p. 458–484 doi:

Kadric M, (ed.), Sinclair K, Framson EA, Lušicky V, Iacono K, Platter J et al. Besondere Berufsfelder für Dolmetscher*innen. 1 ed. Wien: Facultas, 2019. 200 p. (Basiswissen Translation. Manual).

Lušicky V. Dolmetscher*innen als Wissens- und Terminologiemanager*innen. In Kadrić M, editor, Besondere Berufsfelder für Dolmetscher*innen. Facultas. 2019. p. 67-90

Lušicky V, Wissik T. Language resources in repositories and catalogues: Pilot study on their potential for LSP teaching and training. In Simonnæs I, Andersen Ø, Schubert K, editors, New Challenges for Research on Language for Special Purposes. : Selected Proceedings from the 21st LSP-Conference 28–30 June 2017 Bergen, Norway.. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2019. p. 327

Heinisch B, Lušicky V. User expectations towards machine translation: A case study. In Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks, 19–23 August, 2019, Dublin, Ireland. 2019. p. 42-48

Lušicky V, Wissik T. Discovering Resources in the VLO: A Pilot Study with Students of Translation Studies. In Borin L, editor, Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016, Aix-en-Provence, 26–28 October 2016, CLARIN Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure. Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. 2017. p. 63-75. (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, Vol. 136).

Lušicky V, Wissik T. Language resources in repositories and catalogues: Pilot study on the potential for LSP teaching and training. 2017. 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes 2017, Bergen, Norway.

Uszkoreit H, Hajic J, Burchardt A, Specia L, van Genabith J, Rehm G et al. Language Technologies for Multilingual Europe: Towards a Human Language Project. 2017.

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Department for Translation Studies

Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien