Current research projects at the Centre for Translation Studies

The cutting-edge research projects at the Centre for Translation Studies address a plethora of topics including language resources, language technologies, accessibility, translation and research platforms.


German in Austria. Variation – Contact – Perception

Project duration: 2016-2020 (phase 1), 2020-2026 (phase 2)

Topic: German language use in Austria

Funding: FWF

Information: Forschungsplattform


Working with Interpreters in Refugee Transit Zones: Capacity building and awareness-raising for higher education contexts

Project duration:1.5.2022 - 30.4.2024

Topic: The aim of this project is to raise awareness for the issue of interpreting in a humanitarian and transborder migration context among students and teachers of higher education interpreter training facilities and contribute to the diversification of didactic materials by developing a range of educational tools. These tools will be made available in a sustainable digital format; they will complement existing resources and can be disseminated and utilised in a higher education context but may also be used in other training environments. By incorporating a game-based element to the development of the training materials the project also will provide an innovative asset to any training format. By giving stakeholders in the field (refugees, lay interpreters with a migration background, institutional representatives) a voice and by including and integrating their individual perspectives the project seeks to promote access and inclusion and aims to provide a forum for exchange between higher education interpreters facilities and actors in the field. All materials will also be available to these secondary target groups.

Funded by the Erasmus+

Information: ReTrans


Language and Translation: Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources

Project duration: 1/12/23 - 30/11/26

Topic: The project aims to map the landscape of technological capabilities required to work as a language and/or translation expert and to generate training resources to support the integration of technology in language and translation practice.

Funding: Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education



Rethinking Translation Expertise: A Workplace Study

Project duration: September 2021 - September 2024

Topic:`lived’ translation expertise

Funding: FWF



Terminology planning strategy and terminology infrastructure for Mongolia to support scientific and educational development and innovation

Project duration: 1.11.2020 - 31.10.2024

Topic: Development of a sustainable terminology planning strategy and terminology infrastructure in order to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Funding: BMBWF (OeAD)


The impact of Speech Synthesis

Project duration: 01.03.2022 – 31.12.2024

Topic: The effects of speech synthesis on cognitive load and productivity during post-editing machine translation (PEMT)

Funding: Imminent Translated's Research Center
