Alina Secara, MA PhD
T: +43-1-4277-58036
Consultation hours: My office hours are Wednesdays 11:30 - 12:30 Please email me in advance at to make an appointment.
Summer term 2025
340236 UE Machine translation
340257 VO Translation and Accessibility
Winter term 2024
340007 UE Machine translation
340138 VO Translation and Accessibility
Summer term 2024
340236 UE Machine translation
340366 VO+UE Technology-based Media Translation
Secara A, Rivas Ginel I, Toral A, Guerberof A, Ciobanu DI, Brockmann J et al. LT-LiDER Language Technology Map - Technologies in Translation Practice and their Impact on the Skills Needed. 2025. 35 p. doi: 10.25365/phaidra.641
Ciobanu DI, Rios Gaona MA, Secara A, Brockmann J, Chereji RM, Plieseis C. The impact of using text-to-speech (TTS) in post-editing machine translation (PEMT) workflows on translators’ cognitive effort, productivity, quality, and perceptions. Revista Tradumàtica. 2024 Dec;22(22):323-354. doi: 10.5565/rev/tradumatica.394
Brockmann J, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. The use of speech technologies and machine translation in institutional translation practices. In Haddad Haddad A, Sosoni V, editors, Translating and the Computer 45: Proceedings. Geneva. 2024. p. 65-80
Rios Gaona MA, Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Chereji RM, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling for Analysing the Effect of Speech Synthesis on Post-Editing Machine Translation. 2024. Paper presented at The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Ciobanu DI, Chereji RM, Brockmann J, Secara A, Peris C, Garcia-Verdugo J et al.. Report on the IAMLADP UCG Training for Translators’ Trainers seminar (13-14 March, 2024). 2024. IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology) , Vienna , Austria.
Secara A. Review - Translation Tools and Technologies. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation. 2024 Jan;(41):259-264. doi: 10.26034/cm.jostrans.2024.4730
Moorkens J, Sánchez-Gijón P, Torres-Simón E, Vargas-Urpi M, Ciobanu DI, Guerberof Arenas A et al. Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources (LT-LiDER). In Song X, Gow-Smith E, Scarton C, Cabarrão V, Chatzitheodorou K, Cadwell P, Lapshinova-Koltunski E, Bawden R, Sánchez-Cartagena VM, Haddow B, Kanojia D, Nurminen M, Moniz H, Forcada M, Oakley C, editors, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation: Volume 2: Products & Projects. Sheffield: European Association for Machine Translation. 2024. p. 55-56
Valdez S, Secara A, Perez E, Bywood L. Audiovisual translation and media accessibility training in the EMT network. Journal of Audiovisual Translation. 2023 Oct;6(1):19-44. doi: 10.47476/jat.v6i1.2023.238
Rios Gaona MA, Chereji RM, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. In Moorkens J, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 2023. p. 27-38
Secara A, Chereji RM. Analysing theatre audio introductions: lexical complexity, gender bias in personal characteristics description and structural elements. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation. 2023 Jul 30;(40):241-267.
Rios Gaona MA, Chereji RM, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Quality Analysis of Multilingual Neural Machine Translation Systems and Reference Test Translations for the English-Romanian language pair in the Medical Domain. 2023. Paper presented at The 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Tampere, Finland.
Secara A. The role of indirect translation in the translation for the theatre: Educational resources for pivot audiovisual translation - ApiVoT project 2023.
Secara A. Translating Europe Workshop: Translation and Accessibility in the Cultural Sector: 3rd From Translation to Accessibility: EMT Train the Trainer Summer School YouTube chanel: Translating for Europe. 2023.
Zapata J, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Past, present and future of speech technologies in translation — life beyond the keyboard. In Moorkens J, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 2023. p. 16-25
Secara A. Übertitel in Theater und Oper. In Handbuch Audiovisuelle Translation - Handbuch Audiovisuelle Translation - Arbeitsmittel für Wissenschaft, Studium, Praxis. Vol. 2. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2023. p. 197
Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Using Error Annotation to Support Post-Editing in the Context of Translator Training. In Castilho S, Caro Quintana R, Stasimioti M, Sosoni V, editors, Proceedings of the New Trends in Translation and Technology Conference - NeTTT 2022. 2023. p. 113-124
Rios Gaona MA, Chereji RM, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. 2022 Dec 5.
Secara A, Perez E, Di Giovanni E, (ed.), Raffi F, (ed.). Addressing content, technical and collaboration concerns in providing access to the D/deaf and hard of hearing audience: Integrated theatre captioning and theatre sign language interpreting. inTRAlinea. 2022;2594.
Perez E, Secara A, Zahorák A. Designing training for audiovisual translation – good practice and innovation in Austria and Slovakia. 1 ed. Nitra: Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Arts , 2022. 76 p.
Yang J, Ciobanu DI, Secara A. On whose shoulders? – (De)Constructing a collaborative sphere for translator training. In Zwischenberger C, Alfer A, editors, Translaboration in Analogue and Digital Practice: Labour, Power, Ethics. 1 ed. Vol. 57. Frank & Timme. 2022. p. 185-212. (Transkulturalität – Translation -Transfer; No. 1, Vol. 57).
LT-LiDER: Language and Translation - Literacy in Digital Environments and Resources
Ciobanu, D. I., Secara, A. & Rios Gaona, M. A.
1/12/23 → 30/11/26
Project: Educational funding
Department for Translation Studies
Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Room: 04.36
T: +43-1-4277-58036