Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Dagmar Gromann, BSc
Dagmar Gromann

Sprechstunde: Keine Voranmeldung erforderlich!
Jeden Dienstag, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr (außer in der Prüfungswoche)

Zimmer 2.13. (direkt neben Seminarraum 9, 2. Stock, Gymnasiumstraße 50)

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61 - 66 von 66
Gromann D. Terminology meets the Multilingual Semantic Web: A Semiotic Comparison of Ontologies and Terminologies.. 2013. Beitrag in The 19th European Symposium on Languages for Special Purposes, Vienna, Österreich.

Declerck T, Gromann D. Combining three ways of conveying knowledge: Modularization of domain, terminological, and linguistic knowledge in ontologies. 2012. 6th International Workshop on Modular Ontologies, WoMO 2012, Graz, Österreich.

Federmann C, Gromann D, Declerck T, Hunsicker S, Krieger HU, Budin G. Multilingual terminology acquisition for ontology-based information extraction. in Proceedings of the 10th Terminology and Knowledge Engineering Conference: New Frontiers in the Constructive Symbiosis of Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, TKE 2012. 2012. S. 166-176

Declerck T, Gromann D. Towards the generation of semantically enriched multilingual components of ontology labels. 2012. 3rd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web, MSW3 2012 - In Conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2012, Boston, MA, USA / Vereinigte Staaten.

Declerck T, Krieger HU, Gromann D. Acquisition, Representation, and Extension of Multilingual Labels of Financial Ontologies. 2012. Beitrag in Workshop on Challenges to Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Contexts, Madrid, Spanien.

Declerck T, Gromann D. Extraction of Multilingual Term Variants in the Business Reporting Domain. 2012. Beitrag in The 2nd Workshop on the Creation, Harmonization and Application of Terminology Resources (CHAT 2012), Madrid, Spanien.

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European Language Equality (ELE)

Gromann, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Institut für Translationswissenschaft

Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien
Zimmer: Z2.13

T: +43-1-4277-58013