Call for Papers: Special issue of Translation in Society, edited by Cornelia Zwischenberger


Round trips wanted! Travelling concepts between Translation Studies and the Social Sciences, and beyond


Submission deadline: Extension to 15 October 2023

We welcome conceptual-theoretical contributions that engage proactively with the uses of ‘translation’ as a travelling concept in other disciplines and/or with travelling concepts in Translation Studies and that address the following main questions (though we certainly do not remain restricted to them):

- What does Translation Studies have to offer to approaches in the Social Sciences that use the concept of 'translation'?

- Why is Translation Studies relatively ignored by other disciplines despite its expertise with the concept of 'translation'?

- What do Social Sciences using the concept of 'translation' currently have to offer to Translation Studies? What does an engagement with the uses of 'translation' outside its disciplinary borders tell Translation Studies about its own conceptions of translation?

- Which travelling concepts from the Social Sciences or beyond have so far had the greatest lasting impact on Translation Studies and why? Which travelling concepts from the Social Sciences or beyond should be adopted by Translation Studies because they hold great potential and could thus guide the way forward for the discipline's development?

- Is more sound conceptual work the way forward to enable Translation Studies to strengthen itself from the inside out? Are there alternative and better ways for Translation Studies to make itself more relevant to other disciplines?


Please send your extended abstract (700-800 words, excluding references) to

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