Raluca-Maria Chereji, BA MSc
Raluca-Maria Chereji
Wintersemester 2024
Sommersemester 2024
Wintersemester 2023
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Chereji R-M. An Eye-Tracking Study on the Use of Machine Translation Post-Editing and Automatic Speech Recognition in Translations for the Medical Domain. 2024. Beitrag in The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.

Rios Gaona MA, Brockmann J, Wiesinger CK, Chereji R-M, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling for Analysing the Effect of Speech Synthesis on Post-Editing Machine Translation. 2024. Beitrag in The 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.

Ciobanu DI, Chereji R-M, Brockmann J, Secara A, Peris C, Garcia-Verdugo J et al.. Report on the IAMLADP UCG Training for Translators’ Trainers seminar (13-14 March, 2024). 2024. IAMLADP UCG Train the Translator Trainers (TtT) - Workshop 2: Collaboration (with humans and technology) , Vienna , Österreich.

Chereji R-M. Translating “medicalese”: The case of informed consent forms. Medical Writing. 2024 Apr;33(1):44-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.56012/htxi5792

Rios Gaona MA, Chereji R-M, Secara A, Ciobanu DI. Impact of Domain-Adapted Multilingual Neural Machine Translation in the Medical Domain. in Moorkens J, Sosoni V, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 44th Translating and the Computer (TC44) conference. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 2023. S. 27-38

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Institut für Translationswissenschaft

Kolingasse 14-16
1090 Wien
Zimmer: 05.70
