Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Dagmar Gromann, BSc
Sprechstunde: Sprechstunde: jeden Dienstag von 13:00 bis 14:00 Uhr (Zimmer 2.13 im 2. Stock der Gymnasiumstraße 50, direkt neben Seminarraum 9); keine Anmeldung erforderlich
In den Prüfungswochen (6. Mai und 24. Juni) findet keine reguläre Sprechstunde statt. Sollte diese Zeit für Sie nicht möglich sein, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte per E-Mail mit alternativen Terminvorschlägen.
Sommersemester 2025
340017 SE Masterarbeitskonzeption
340081 VO Fachkommunikation und Terminologie
340279 SE Masterarbeitsprozess
Wintersemester 2024
340060 SE Masterarbeitsprozess
340202 UE Academic Writing
Sommersemester 2024
340081 VO Fachkommunikation und Terminologie
340279 SE Masterkolloquium
Jaremko J, Gromann D, Wiegand M. Revisiting Implicitly Abusive Language Detection: Evaluating LLMs in Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Settings. in Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2025. S. 3879–3898
Gromann D, Apostol ES, Chiarcos C, Cremaschi M, Gracia J, Gkirtzou K et al. Multilinguality and LLOD: A survey across linguistic description levels. Semantic Web. 2024 Apr 11;1(1). doi: 10.3233/SW-243591
Hiebl B, Gromann D. Comparative Quality Assessment of Human and Machine Translation with Best-Worst Scaling. in Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1). European Association for Machine Translation. 2024. S. 507-536
Trajanov D, Apostol ES, Garabík R, Gkirtzou K, Gromann D, Liebeskind C et al. From Linguistic Linked Data to Big Data. in Calzolari N, Kan MY, Hoste V, Lenci A, Sakti S, Xue N, Hrsg., 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings. Torino: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). 2024. S. 7489-7502
Hiebl B, Gromann D. Human & Machine Translation Quality : Comparing & Contrasting Concepts. in Haddad Haddad A, Sosoni V, Hrsg., Translating and the Computer 45: Proceedings. Geneva. 2024. S. 108-128
Gromann D, Oliveira HG, Pitarch L, Apostol ES, Bernad J, Bytyçi E et al. MultiLexBATS: Multilingual Dataset of Lexical Semantic Relations. in Calzolari N, Kan MY, Hoste V, Lenci A, Sakti S, Xue N, Hrsg., 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-COLING 2024 - Main Conference Proceedings. Torino: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). 2024. S. 11783-11793
Luz de Araujo PH, (ed.), Baumann A, (ed.), Gromann D, (ed.), Krenn B, (ed.), Roth B, (ed.), Wiegand M, (ed.). Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2024). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2024.
Gromann D, Heinisch B, Wachowiak L, Lang C. A novel way of extracting full-fledged terminologies from multilingual texts. Lexicographica. 2023 Nov 1;39(1):209-223. doi: 10.1515/lex-2023-0011
Lardelli M, Gromann D. Translating non-binary coming-out reports: Gender-fair language strategies and use in news articles. Journal of Specialised Translation. 2023 Jul;(40):213-240.
Gromann D, Lardelli M, Spiel K, Burtscher S, Klausner LD, Mettinger A et al. Participatory Research as a Path to Community-Informed, Gender-Fair Machine Translation. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Gender-Inclusive Translation Technologies. 2023 Jun 15.
Wachowiak L, Gromann D. Does GPT-3 Grasp Metaphors? Identifying Metaphor Mappings with Generative Language Models. Association for Computational Linguistics. Annual Meeting. Conference Proceedings. 2023;(1):1018-1032. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.58
Gromann D, Wachowiak L, Lang C, Heinisch B. Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text. in Rehm G, Hrsg., European Language Grid: A language technology platform for multilingual Europe. Cham: Springer. 2023. S. 289–294. (Cognitive Technologies). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-17258-8_18
Lardelli M, Gromann D. Gender-Fair (Machine) Translation. 2023. Beitrag in New Trends in Translation & Technology, Rhodes, Griechenland.
Hegele S, Heinisch B, Popp A, Marheinecke K, Rios A, Gromann D et al. Language Report German. in Cognitive Technologies. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. 2023. S. 147-150. (Cognitive Technologies, Band Part F280). doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28819-7_18
Bączkowska A, Gromann D. Od šupljoglavca do božice seksa: psovke u engleskim titlovima, njihove funkcije i prikaz modelom jezičnih povezanih podataka. Rasprave Instituta za Hrvatski Jezik i Jezikoslovlje. 2023;49(1):79-97. doi: 10.31724/rihjj.49.1.4
Hiebl B, Gromann D. Quality in Human and Machine Translation: An Interdisciplinary Survey. in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. European Association for Machine Translation. 2023. S. 375-384
Wachowiak L, Gromann D, Xu C. The Image Schema VERTICALITY: Definitions and Annotation Guidelines. in Proceedings of The Seventh Image Schema Day: co-located with The 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023). Band 3511. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings).
De Giorgis S, Gangemi A, Gromann D. ImageSchemaNet: A framester graph for embodied commonsense knowledge. Semantic Web. 2022 Nov 3;1-25. Epub 2022 Nov 3. doi: 10.3233/SW-223084
Wachowiak L, Gromann D. Systematic Analysis of Image Schemas in Natural Language through Explainable Multilingual Neural Language Processing. in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Gyeongju, Republic of Korea: International Committee on Computational Linguistics. 2022. S. 5571-5581
Burtscher S, Spiel K, Klausner LD, Lardelli M, Gromann D. "Es geht um Respekt, nicht um Technologie": Erkenntnisse aus einem Interessensgruppen-übergreifenden Workshop zu genderfairer Sprache und Sprachtechnologie. 2022. Beitrag in Mensch und Computer (MuC), Darmstadt, Deutschland.
Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text (Text2TCS)
15/07/20 → 15/09/21
Projekt: Forschungsförderung
Institut für Translationswissenschaft
Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien
Zimmer: Z2.13
T: +43-1-4277-58013