Mag. Dr. Regina Rogl
Regina Rogl

Sprechstunde: Mi, 11:00-12:00 Uhr
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Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. in Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, Hrsg., Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. John Benjamins. 2025

Rogl R, Risku H. Cognitive artefacts and boundary objects: On the changing role of tools in translation project management. in Winters M, Deane-Cox S, Böser U, Hrsg., Translation, Interpreting and Technological Change: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2024. S. 13-36. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation).

Risku H, Hirvonen M, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Ethnographic Research. in Zanettin F, Rundle C, Hrsg., Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London: Routledge. 2022. S. 324-339. 21

Risku H, Milosevic J, Rogl R. Responsibility, powerlessness and conflict: An ethnographic case study of boundary management in translation. in Carbonell i Cortés O, Monzó-Nebot E, Hrsg., Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power. John Benjamins. 2021. S. 145-169

Risku H, Rogl R. Translation and situated, embodied, distributed, embedded and extended cognition. in Jakobsen AL, Alves F, Hrsg., Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. Routledge. 2021. S. 478

Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Researching workplaces. in Angelone E, Ehrensberger-Dow M, Massey G, Hrsg., The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2020. S. 37-62

Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Introduction: Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes. in Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes. John Benjamins. 2019. S. 1-24 doi: 10.1075/bct.105.01ris

Risku H, (ed.), Rogl R, (ed.), Milosevic J, (ed.). Translation Practice in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes. John Benjamins, 2019. (Benjamins Current Topics).

Risku H, Milosevic J, Rogl R. Creativity in the Translation Workplace. in Cercel L, Agnetta M, Amido Lozano MT, Hrsg., Kreativität und Hermeneutik in der Translation. Tübingen: Narr Verlag. 2017. S. 455-469

Rogl R. Language-related disaster relief in Haiti: volunteer translator networks and language technologies in disaster aid. in Antonini R, Cirillo L, Rossato L, Torresi I, Hrsg., Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation: State of the Art and Future of an Emerging Field of Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2017. S. 231-255

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Institut für Translationswissenschaft

Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Wien
Zimmer: N2.17